Sunday, May 26, 2024


   -evidence Christianity is fiction

-in the 1990s I would watch the nightly US TV News Show Hard Copy. The Presenter once read the fictional headline-'actor ANDREW SHUE's wife Elizabeth Shue left him for actor Val KILMER'

-Andrew and Elizabeth are brother and sister and both actors

-what it might stand for is

-ANDREW SHUE the characters of Archie ANDREWS style comic line ANDREW / WINDSOR High

-their wives left them and had one off sex with me over and over



-as in I will KILL the MISTER in them

-and I KILLED the MESSIAH. I am right there never was any truth to the Bible. Except already historic figures

-I am like the HARD COPY of God. I do KILMER MIRACLES

-when I had the dream a few months ago comics creator Rob Liefeld was lying on me in bed. In the dream it was said the Anti-Christ looked like him . Two super hero splits that come out of me looking like celebrities. They do miracles too



-the time years ago I was listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. I came out in to my lounge and two rows of Eaglemoss Toy Figurines Boxes had every second one pulled forward. The boxes had see through plastic at the front of them like the glass doors. The Musical Jesus Christ Superstar. About his death. Like saying there never was truth to Christianity. I was living alone at the time with only Staff visits

-another two possible sons. A former client of my Support Home KEITH. And singer KEVIN / CHRISTIAN Jonas. Both looking slightly similar. Keith slightly like me the last time I saw him he was short with balding longish hair. Like me. He was in the Library trying to get his computer plugged in in the Computer room. Our Support Home went to a CHRISTIAN College out at BETHLEHEM. He was wearing a T-Shirt saying I'm with STUPID. Like saying there never ever was truth to Christianity. The shirt had an ARROW on it like the fictional long black HAIRS on the photo of Mark Wahlberg. Saying LINES it's all just LIES. Or (Jonas Brothers) It's all Just STAGED. We were out at Bethlehem there is no truth to the Mills Reef Winery soap opera. And the Library Computer Room like there is no truth to the IT man there like Superman becoming a super hero. 'I'm with Stupid' on Keith's T-Shirt like at times the version of me isn't really thinking. I'm with Stupid. Like a mass of stars and people out to ruin me lose their friends. Maybe like Keith / Kevin half those involved get turned on


-years ago I reached under a garden shed with my sign of a large Cross and sign saying Tauranga Smallville. To try to pull out PROOF of my paranormal story. Like I reached under the sign of the Cross proving Christianity is fiction. At once I pulled out a palm length rock. Shaped like the Rock of Eternity. Like a three story white pointed hill or rock. In old Captain Marvel comics Captain Marvel gets his powers from. Rock of ETERNITY. Rock of ETERNITY saying there is no Heaven

-the high rise building. What I wrote about the DAYS of our LIVES HOURGLASS / HISTORY. I went up a centre stairwell in the tallest building to try to jump off. With GLASS doors / hourglass all out of level with the floors. Cutting in half way up the floors. The time years ago I was listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. I came out in to my lounge and two rows of Eaglemoss Toy Figurines Boxes had every second one pulled forward. The boxes had see through plastic at the front of them like the glass doors. The Musical Jesus Christ Superstar. About his death. Like saying there never was truth to Christianity. I was living alone at the time with only Staff visits

-the time I went to the tallest building downtown to try to jump off

-in the centre stairwell the doors on each floor were cutting half way between them

-the see through glass doors. Leading to nowhere. Saying following Christianity will never lead you to anything

 -about 1986 I was standing in my bedroom wearing Pajamas

-from my crutch fell a thumb sized, flesh colored, maybe like rubber

-MARROW or BANANA shaped object

-as in MASTER of the Universe. Or me at the base of the small mountain MAUAU repeating over and over Bop Bup Bup. Like Ba Na Na. Which I thought then in March 2017 might have given me really powerful miracle powers 

-when the object fell out of my Pajamas I showed it to my grandmother and left it on the side cabinet to her bed

-she didn't understand it

-my grandmother's name was MAY ELSIE Ager

-like the 'MESSIAH' MAY or may not EXIST / be FALSE 

-MAUAO sounds like MESSIAH. Or MAU / AO sounds like Anti Messiah  

-in about 2012 at night I streaked around the block. As I was leaving my drive a woman across the Street by D&G Flats yelled at me. D&G like saying GOD in reverse. As I ran I pulled my shoulders back and pulled my stomach in. Like for the body I want and the super hero powers. Maybe that time I streaked around the block set me up with them. My shoulders pulled back and my stomach pulled in. Like D and G reflect. D and G like I have the power of God. Me running naked. Like me with the power of God, doing miracles, fighting crime, having sex. From my earliest seen point a slide of me as a toddler standing naked in full. I have been doing these since then. And in paddocks in a ditch about 1975. Lying the full skeleton of a man. Also naked. I do these until the day I die. D and G. Me looking like Rob Liefeld and Kyle Lowder. Revealing costumes for each of them. I ran around the block naked. And me running naked that night. Pulling my shoulders back and stomach in


-and evidence I am not married and never will be

-the small mountain named MAUAO in the next town

-in 2017 I was 'told' to go to the base of it and repeat over and over


-MAUAO as in the MESSIAH


-like Phone ringing BEEPS. Like saying Christianity is a PHONY

-the mountain maybe set up to show me this



-like the Phone RINGING like saying any marriage I look like I am in is a PHONY

-and too saying I will never be married

-BOP BUP BUP like for every marriage it is really Phony

-and BOP BUP BUP like I DO, I DO, I DO will always be Phony

-on Friday March 31st 2017 I was told to take a Bus to the next town

-then at the base of the small mountain MAUAO

-as in MESSIAH

-repeat the line over and over Bop Bup Bup

-Bop Bup Bup


-the Bible and history of Christianity I just conjured up to give me the MESSIAH like 

-exact same body and Messiah like personality I see in CHRISTIAN

-always showing my BUM having sex as the super-heroes each with a revealing costume

-like too saying the TESTA ments are fictional

-when my miracles first became real. Soon after moving in to my home now owning it. In one week I had four dreams of super powered characters each connected to the New Teen Titans. And I briefly tried sending out splits of me as each one

-TITANS the Titans are GODS

-living in Darraghs Road too in 1980 was a boy from my year at School that year. He looked just like CHRISTIAN. And was named Glen 'HESLOFF' as in HISTORY. CHRISTIAN HISTORY OFF 

-Christianity might not be real because it might be me that formed all of space and Creation. The time in my bedroom about 1980 the idea flashed through my mind I could create a future timeline / list of adventures etc for me to have. I might have created all of space the point of my EARLIEST MEMORY coming in to LIVE in our NEW HOME for the first time and finding in a kitchen cupboard a tin of GRIFFINS / CHRISTIANS / GENESIS biscuits. And on a trip to the US in 2000. I got lost in one night at each of three Washington DC Memorials. Like I wandered off and created three Universes each with altered miracles. And with that point in 2000. Like I created all of space with it's miracles going from the start of time. In 2000 I changed them around giving most the power of GOD

-I have thought lately I liked especially the out of production SLIM JIM biscuits. My earliest memory finding the tin of COOKIES the day we moved in to our home in James COOK Street and the COOKIE Bear card. I once saw in a TV Soap magazine a cast photo of Days of our Lives. It was a big cast. There amongst the actors was a man who looked just like my relative JIM 'DOWLING'. He gave me several hours a week briefly at a Pub called the ROSE and FERN. The cast shot of Days of our Lives. Had them standing on like RISING plank seating. There was never an actor or actor on Days of our Lives looking like Jim Dowling. Slim JIMS. Like this is saying Christianity is not true. JIM / JAMES Cook Street

-recently a few times. I read back what I had typed the night before. There were parts I didn't mean to type. Sentences that didn't make sense. Words out of place and that I didn't remember typing. Like someone saying the Bible (Testa Meants) is fiction

-like the real Garden of Eden. I once saw an old slide of me. As a toddler standing naked showing me in full. Like Adam naked in the Garden of Eden. Maybe when that slide was taken was the point I first really appeared. I might have been in my grandparents' garden in MAXWELL Drive. MAXIMUM MIRACLE power. MAX the split of me looking like LOWDER. Max WELL he is the actor on (Hourglass) Days of our Lives. And living in our next address James COOK Street. Like the apple. At the end of the Street in paddocks I saw lying in a ditch the full skeleton of a man. Exposed body again. Like SKELETOR of MASTERS of the Universe. Like me as Lowder I have the miracle power to do almost anything. Captain Cook's ship the ENDEAVOUR like Masters of the Universe is set in ETERNIA. I wear the He-Man costume. Looking like ROB LIEFELD. Like Adam ROBBED the fruit. And LIEFELD. The skeleton was LAYING in the FIELD. And from the point I first appeared to the point I die. These two splits might have been coming out of me

-when I saw the magazine with star Mark Wahlberg on a stage wearing shorts. His leg hairs fictional long, black and far spaced. Maybe the Watcher saying. That HISTORY. His HAIRY legs are fictional like CHRISTIANITY / HAIRS / HISTORY. Like Anthony HAYES channel. A student at High School made the comment about Hayes showing off his legs wearing shorts. And WAHLBERG / WALL / Mills REEF that channel and TV series is fictional too 


-I made up the character The Watcher. After I had a dream of across the landscape only small, white, wrecked spaceships. I based Down Under Land on Lidsville. After I made him up I once imagined I saw in Revelations what I had made up. A figure made of sack or wearing sack clothes tied at the ends of limbs by ropes called the Watcher. I imagined it AFTER I made up the character. He might have set me up to 'see' that to say the only parts of the Bible with truth are in Revelations. The RUBBISH spaceships as in WATCHER. Revelations is also called The Vision of John. The WATCHER / VISION might have set that up. My JOHN shows in each form. It is my VISIONS of miracles to make

-ANTS in your PANTS- in 2010 I was in the local Psych Ward at a slightly lower time. One day I got a lot of ANTS in my sheets. Despite maybe not having food at the time and the room secure. 'Ants in your Pants' meaning bursting to do something. Maybe ANTS in your PANTS. I am all of the 'Revelations' figures of the Anti-Christ, Destroyer, Second Beast, False Prophet and Magog and Gog

-the Anti-Christ- me in my real body as Matthew Ager

-the Second Beast- Revelations says he does mighty miracles for 40 months. But the time could be symbolic. Me looking like Rob Liefeld or Kyle Lowder

-the False Prophet- also does miracles. Me looking like Rob Liefeld or Kyle Lowder

-the DESTROYER- I not completely meaning to Destroyed everything except me. STARS DESTROYED OVER STARS plans to steal my Inheritance through my Lawyer STRINGER. I want it to secure me in my home for life no matter what difficulty

-Magog and Gog- Revelations says the are in Satan's army in the future. Maybe me as one version me on our planet. And the other version of me. On a temporary Plate where my miracles were really powerful

-Ants in your Pants- that time in the Ward could have set up me to be all of these ANTI figures. At that same period in that Ward I swallowed a DRAWING PIN. Maybe set up like nails in Jesus

The End of the World

-I was cooking Toasted Sandwiches on my new appliance

-I might have destroyed the Universe. With only me passing through

-I was cooking CHEESE and SPAGHETTI toasted sandwiches. Like Captain Marvel's name The Big Red Cheese. I thought of two really long black hairs I found. One on my plate while eating the other I found on my bedspread. I thought of my $780, 000 INHERITANCE as in HAIRS. I tried to use one hair to wish for my own list of Captain Marvel powers the other to wish for an exact looking body as a man Christian Paredes in a magazine Fitness Add in 1995. Today I remembered in my Shazam (Captain Marvel) 1 from DC Comics in 1970. When the Wizard gives the boy his powers a large stone slab held up by a BLACK THREAD comes crashing on the Wizard AND KILLS HIM

-on the side of the Sandwich Maker what looked like an inch long yellow spaghetti looking worm was moving 

-I avoided using it. I threw them away and just walked away from the Maker

-the SPAGHETTI noodles like my Lawyer surname STRINGER

-I think the stars trying to steal my Inheritance and so my home. Might have caused the Universe and everything but me to be destroyed

-I saw the brand of the Toasted Sandwich Maker was BREVILLE. Sounding like DEVIL. For a while I might have had splits coming out of me out in space. As DAREDEVIL with similar powers to Daredevil / MATT Murdock. Like my name is MATTHEW AGER

-in 1980 while I was living in DARRAGHS Road / DAREDEVIL / DESTROYER. Several of us young people went in to the paddocks across the Road from my home. There was Reid's BACON Factory by the edge of it. Somehow some kind of PIG ran out. Like the pig should have been dead

-I raised a post of timber as if in self defense. Like Daredevil's and my BATON powers. Like the BACON Factory and like Billy BATSON is Captain Marvel. The Post like spaghetti. Darraghs as in Destroyer

-with me destroying everything. I could remove any threats so they don't come back in the next version

-I recently had delivered 5 old cheap Marvel Comics from the 1960s. One was Fantastic Four 68. When I saw the cover I realized it had on it. The Thing ensnared in a black creature with it's body around the Thing. The cover caption read 'It's Mission to Destroy.' Like the two times I felt hands on my back while I was asleep. Both times linked to someone each of those two days called The Destroyer

-in 1985 while maybe mentally ill I BROKE WINDOWS around the local houses with an AXE / baton and nearly hit my grandmother MAY ELSIE Ager / MAY or ELSE be, on the head with it. The day I came home from the local Psych Ward I was standing in my bedroom and my body for several seconds VIBRATED and I went BLIND. Like Flash is BARRY ALLEN

-the end of everything except me maybe caused or enabled by me recently being slightly unnerved. By stars saying my Inheritance will be stolen. That meant I could stay living safely in my own 'dream' home even if problems set in. A few months ago a number of times I read back what I had typed earlier. They didn't make sense, words and part sentences out of place. Some like a jumble. Like stealing an Inheritance. That would have secured me in my home for life and enabled me to repair and renovate it

-the DESTROYER as in SPECTRE. I not completely meaning to Destroyed everything except me. STARS DESTROYED OVER STARS plans to steal my Inheritance through my Lawyer STRINGER. I want it to secure me in my home for life no matter what difficulty 

-the inch long WORM. I had just paid for my last two books from a Dealer named WIG MORE. The two long black hairs

Rest I Want

 -I used to go to a group called Care and Craft

-years ago once I remember we took a Bus way out in to the countryside

-there was a small mountain / large hill

-the area had an out of it feel to it

-the mountain might have had an oval shape to it

-at the top of it was a RESTAURANT

-as in the REST I WANT

-it was a largish Restaurant taking up almost all of the top of that hill. We had a meal there

-it had a Biblical feel to it. Like Satan takes Jesus Christ up on the mountain and 'offers him anything.' Or like the final chapter of the Bible The Vision of John

-years after that trip I mentioned it to the Care and Craft Manager Helen / Heaven / Hell and she said that wasn't there

-in 2012 after a few months of heavy scanning comics for my Blogs. I had been getting agitated with Jesus etc

-one night I angrily said over the kitchen sink 'I would give up my soul / damn me for all I wanted

-the RESTAURANT. I might have imagined that. A RESTAURANT. Maybe saying from that time I can get the REST of what I WANT

-the RESTAURANT like my earliest memory coming in to live in our new home in James COOK Street for the first time and finding in a kitchen cupboard a tin of Griffins Sampler BISCUITS

-Captain James Cook was the Ship's Captain who first charted New Zealand / Rest I Want

-right before this I was thinking for maybe the first time RESTAURANT sounds like my home city TAURANGA  


Monday, May 13, 2024

Memorial Day

 -it happened about August 2022

-I was prompted to go to the supermarket late at night

-like with the comic story title The Miracle of Thirsty Thursday. And me seeing the full skeleton of a man lying in a ditch in paddocks up the Street from my home in James COOK Street when young

-I was on my bike and bought $120 of Groceries

-but outside the supermarket felt like I was going to COLLAPSE
-like the Earth and space and maybe Heaven collapsing in to ruin

-I went inside the supermarket and asked them to call an Ambulance. And they helped me

-     It was a really OUT OF IT NIGHT FOR ME

-a kind Security Guard from the supermarket named Susie drove me to the Hospital and stayed with me for 7 hours and more

-while I had 'TESTS' done on me

-I think now the strange night for me was set up to avoid space falling in to ruin

-all of it becoming like a dream I had in 1991. A lot of small white wrecked spaceships

-with maybe not only how I thought Earth might turn out but all of space with no power

-largely because of DC Comics' Jenette Kahn. Maybe trying to rig threats to places. To get miracles she wants. And to control me to ruin me

-I could tell she has companies on Earth ready to close. But maybe she gets rid of all across space

-with the risks to Power, sewage, Police and Prisons, all Medical treatment, any real food and maybe this way for good

-maybe it is the combined effect. From a world with a real Religion. And all the stars do to me. Trying to go along with her in setting up my fall. And harassing me And flooding their work with negative images about me

-the way about the most important person in the history of space gets treated. Like in my Post Bad Tidings

-and Earth going along with it

-the combined effect of these might knock out space. And even Heaven

-maybe too the Alternate Earth effects I daydreamed up in 1985 where people can be damned and transformed without their will would have gone everywhere too

-it is largely Kahn's fault. But also the stars and corrupt companies in on it with her. And the public for going along with it

-DC Comics and the stars of Hollywood are behind a lot of it. And this effects all space

-the problems caused by the corrupt and uncaring GROSS PRODUCERS 

-maybe because of that night in 2022 about August it was avoided 

-I got $120 of Groceries that night. And there's the chance my home is where the Garden of Eden is. And I will live safely until I die (skeleton) here getting Groceries each week if problems set in

-I call the problems that could have ruined space the Dehydration. Like I might have been the night I went to Hospital having little to eat the week before

-that night standing in front of the supermarket for some reason I tried a rocket and satellite 'Monitor' mission. Almost the most poor condition I had been in. Like I the new Messiah of Revelations me Christ carrying the Cross


-ANTI CHRIST. CHRIST as in THIRST for the DEHYDRATION effect I helped avoid

-like on the Cross Christ cries 'I thirst'

-'Universe Memorial Day'- like I see God basing the key points of Jesus Christ's life around mine this me 'saving space from their sins' or at least spreading Christianity and the good times everywhere. Is like Jesus dying on the Cross so we can be forgiven and have eternal life

-I felt like collapsing like I tried to turn off all power to space

-I might need to take 12 months out. It was a SECURITY Guard named SUSIE who helped me. Maybe telling me to leave for 12 months the time of the ASTROLOGY ring

-I had an idea I might 'need to take a year out from things' to avoid side effects from Earth corruption ruining all places

-but now I think it is that night for me. From 9pm for 7 hours. That was an out of it night. And when done it was resolved


-I may have set up the Monitor about April 2023

-I had been waiting for a comic to arrive. Marvel Two in One 94

-on the front cover a centre Monitor screen with buttons around the sides of it

-like the last part of my Monitor idea

-that day a man from an Op Shop where I got a free MOBILITY / MONITOR Scooter from. That I tried having briefly

-he took me out with it

-there was a package in the letterbox. I was hoping it would be that comic. I had ordered it a while ago

-that was the furthest we went with the Scooter

-as far as NEW WORLD supermarket

-the whole round trip I had the comic still in it's envelope in the carrier of my Mobility Scooter

-so that might have been me acting out the steps of it

-or I might have set me up to actually do the rocket and satellites mission

-we stopped at the man's Op Shop

-a really long thin large white box was being delivered to there by STAR movers

-one of the movers an elderly man looked like STAN Lee

-the Op Shop was by where I would go for my haircuts at SCARLET Hair

-as we were just leaving my block early on in the trip we passed a home on the corner looking like the Falcon Crest home. A woman was going to the mailbox

-I had a T-Shirt on with a picture of the cover of the Amazing Spider-Man 186

-the villain of the issue CHAMELEON

-and the cover blurb 'Spidey cleared by the Police. Web-Head a national Hero'

-doing that trip that day with the comic in the Mobility Scooter's Carrier might have when things were ready sent out the miracles without me having to do the rocket / satellites / Death Star mission

-How to do a MonitorHow to do a Monitor   

Miracle Memorial

        -what might have set up three parallel Universes with altered miracles each. In 2000 I went on a trip to the US. One night in Washin...