Sunday, April 7, 2024


-I had linked ideas to when I used to live at a Support Home. There was a graveyard running behind my room. At the end corner of it was a grave with a lovely looking woman with almost shoulder length black hair. The grave or her photo in the shape of a heart

-her name was NANCY BARBARA sounding like NARNIA. The country the book the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was set in. Having a gravestone behind my room with their name sounding like Narnia might mean something

-maybe it refers to me getting the body, personality and powers I want. Her grave read 'Pray for the soul of''. As if saying my soul is all that would be left of me. I just then tried praying for those three things

-when I was very young the only 2 real paranormal things I remember happening to me. In a ditch in paddocks at the end of the Street was lying the full skeleton of a man. (Soul). And I think maybe once lying in my bed in the dark. I saw through my bedroom ceiling a pair of lit up hands like they were praying (Pray)

-Pray for the Soul / Sole- I pray to the only of me left. Like my miracle powers etc

-the magazine photo I imagined. Of star Mark Wahlberg on a stage in shorts. His leg hairs were fictional. Long, black and far spaced. Pray for the SOLE. Like the leg hairs each on their own. I pray for the sole inside of me

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