Monday, April 8, 2024

The Fall of Earth

-Down Under Land

-a DREAM I had in 1991 of across the landscape only small, white, wrecked spaceships

-maybe representing a closed Earth. Companies and services gone. No Phone or Internet taking out everything. No sewage, Police, people can do almost anything they want to you, real chance at getting food and maybe no way to get new real goods

-I turned the dream in to a simple TV series idea I copied from Lidsville that TV3 said they carefully considered

-like I saw it in a dream. Since about 1988 I have had sleep problems. The character Freddy Krueger in Nightmare on Elm Street films. With nightmare powers

-I sometimes feel when I am asleep I need to keep shaking myself hard to wake up. It is like what I see during this are scenes with distorted grey light. I have only seen the man looking like Krueger in my dreams a few times

-I have been thinking. Because how it looks with corrupt stars and large company managers. Putting it in unchangeable contracts to close unless I do what they say. Meaning they want to see my life ruined

-maybe this was set up and orchestrated by the man in my dreams. Like the title DOWN UNDER LAND. I am DOWN UNDER in my sleep. He might have set up Earth to fall

-the dream of a lot of WRECKED SPACESHIPS. Maybe someone trying to pull down Earth. Comes from partly me getting a large Inheritance. That would keep me safely living in my HOME for life. And get a list of things for my home. And stars etc planning to get the money off of me

-the Tauranga Boys College almost by my home

-at almost 666 Cameron Road


-I at first thought their number was 666

-maybe Satan planned their address to be about 666. To say the world becomes a twisted society

-the dream I had decades ago

-it was the early 1960s. And some of the cast then of British soap opera Coronation Street

-were talking in the set of their Pub the Rovers Return

-they were saying it goes on terrible things happening but they sometimes just don't get publicly talked about

-the world had slipped and had become a more twisted place

-there were torching's done by the Police

-and it stayed that way until one of Charlie's Angels Jacklyn Smith was splashing in the surf

-a Cop went too far. Like sexual harassment. And the Public outcry changed things

-like the publicity

-so the dream I had might say the Earth might be in for a fall

-my copy of the Best of DC Digest I had the story in. One of a Year's Best Comic Stories. One of the pages with the Fury of Firestorm 7 story. The second hand Digest had half the page ripped 

-the story was Plastique Publicity is another Word for Fear

-that issue was meant to really refer to a TV channel on the super-heroes' world Live at Five that could put it's camera on anyone

-about 1978 my grandparents took me to Wellington as far South as I would ever go to visit my mother CHRISTINE

-as we entered the Capital we went through a tunnel of a small mountain

-in the bedroom I stayed in there was a fridge of cans of drink

-my mother bought me some comics there

-one was a black and white comic of horror stories

-there was a panel of a naked man lying under a sheet in bed. The Police were bursting through the door saying Get up

-the man looked like an older High School student I wouldn't see until years later



-both were tall, maybe fawn colored hair and chest hair

-the fridge was FULL of CANS of DRINK

-maybe someone saying the world will have a fall like in a dream I had

-the dream was about the early 1960s

-some of the Cast of the British soap opera Coronation Street were in the set that the PUB in the series is called the Rovers Return

-they were IN A PUB. Like in the room I stayed in there was a FRIDGE of CANS of DRINK

-CHARLIE's Angels like my mother CHRISTINE

-maybe someone set up the fridge of cans in my mother's home to say the world will crash

-there was the time about 1990. I was sitting in ROBBINS Park that was next to the Police Station. About 15 Police came out with BATONS and sat in a row facing me

-like in the horror comic my mother CHRISTINE bought me. The Police burst through the bedroom door of a naked man in bed saying Get up

-because I 'saw' those 15 Police come in to the Park and sit facing me. Someone might have placed that and made up the dream in me that the Police torch people one day and commit crimes against people. To say the Earth will slip in to tough times

-when I was very young I saw in our lounge a book of Rhymes etc It was large , hardcover, and dated and sinister looking. I only saw it that time and I don't know my grandparents would have had it

-there was a rhyme Who Shot Cock Robin?

-Not I said the. Not I said the Not I said the...


-I read the rhyme in the book Who Shot Cock Robin? Like decades later I thought I saw a group of Police arrive in ROBBINS Park

-the Best of DC Digest 35 with the Firestorm story in it. I asked the store owner to put on hold for me the Digest when I first saw it for sale new in the book store Books 'A' Plenty. But I never went back for it. I still got it second hand years later. BOOKS A PLENTY sounds like BABYLON. Revelations has the line Babylon has fallen. The store owner used to be a woman named CHRIS

-a few months ago I was delivered three 1970s All-Star Comics. The Courier delivered them late perhaps making a mistake. I took them out and dropped the package in a Recycling Bin. I wanted to check again because there was three instead of five. I stupidly put the Bin on the ground and crawled in to check. One of the issues had the original Brainwave getting a new body that looked just like ROB Liefeld. Like that version of me saying to me. The world will turn to RUBBISH. Broken, powerless stores and homes. And him saying the world will always treat me like rubbish. The three All-Star Comics about WW2 super-heroes in the Justice Society fighting crime in the late 1970s. In the last of the series it told the untold story of what happened to the Justice Society over the decades or years. The story The Man who Defeated the Justice Society. He set them up and most retired and the comic said for years the world became a sick twisted place

-in 1991 I had a dream of across the landscape only small white wrecked spaceships. About 1986 I went to the tallest building downtown. I went up the centre stairwell. The glass doors were out of level with the floors. Each glass door was halfway through a new floor level. Like the wrecked spaceships. The broken spaceships I was in a Bank building. Saying the Banks will be broken

-the world becomes a TWISTED place. A few dreams since about 1987 with nightmare character Freddy Krueger. In one dream I was lying flat on my back on my bed. My body ROTATED around in full circles with me on my back.

-this maybe caused on Earth by a lot of company closures, effects of corruption against me etc..

 -it was some time ago

-I had a biscuit on top of a set of drawers in my wardrobe

-either a piece of biscuit or a spider kept leaping up when I approached it

-when I was young I got a Card with a picture of Cookie Bear on it

-he looked blacker in color almost sinister

-Cookie Bear maybe saying the dream I had of a fallen Earth. Cookie- not done by Police but people torch people a lot. Cookie Bare like a lot of business and homes are bare. COOKIE Bear like in my dream it was resolved by CHARLIES Angel actress being sexually harassed too far by the Police. COOKIE Bear like it was indicated by a FIRESTORM comic. That I had the story in a Digest where the page was ripped. The RIPPED page. Like Freddy Krueger is like Jack the RIPPER. Maybe him saying he set this up. The Firestorm story called Plastique is another Word for Fear

-the fictional leg hairs of Mark Wahlberg in the magazine. Long, black and far spaced. Like Prison Cell bars. The PHANTOM Zone. The prison in Superman comics where the Prisoners existed like ghosts. The leg hairs apart like Phantoms. 'Freddy Krueger' is like a Phantom. His red and black stripped jersey like hairs on Wahlberg's legs. The Prison for people on Earth existing like Phantoms with nothing 

-a dream I had in the early 1990s. I saw my grandparents standing both in our toilet. My grandmother had yellow hair and green skin. My grandfather made some comment about 'her meat.' In the toilet bowl was a large piece of steak with a wide rim of fat around the edges. The genius member of the Legion of Super-Heroes a comic about the future Brainiac 5 had the same hair and skin. I was just thinking of my comic Legion of Super-Heroes 289. I think in 1983 when we had flown back at night from a Cruise. We were at the main Airport late at night. I delayed my grandparents while I was looking at comics in the Airport bookstore. We missed our Hotel shuttle. I only had money for one DC Comic from a pile distributed two years later at cheaper prices and many not sold in New Zealand. I bought Captain Carrot 1. I chose it over a New Teen Titans with a Night Force Preview. And over the Legion comic. I was thinking today as I cooked MEAT. Now I am cooking up MEATS with mixed vegetables three times a week. The cover read A Cold and Lonely Corner of Hell. Like maybe saying what Earth will become. Connected to the dream. The several of the Legion members had their spaceship crashed on an asteroid of ice. In it the members Timber Wolf and Saturn Girl hug briefly when she is married to Lightning Lad. TIMBER WOLF. Like in 1980 in paddocks across the Road from our home several of us young people were there. Like the several members out of 21 members on the asteroid. That time a type of PIG / WOLF ran out. And I raised a post of TMBER. Maybe I had sex with Diana. And I am the father of Harry. Either when she and her husband opened Baycourt locally. Or on that Fairstar Cruise. I saw a couple looking just like Diana and Charles. Diana but she had a full beard. And her partner who looked just like Charles. His pink sleeveless top had multiple colored rods on it. Like the post of timber. And at a stopover on that Cruise I bought a comic magazine adaptation of Return of the Jedis. Like the Light Sabres. The pig somehow escaping the Bacon Factory by the paddocks like people left in a desolate world. Or probably too unlikely William and Kate were in the next city and at an Airport function. And maybe Charlotte was conceived about that time

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