Sunday, January 28, 2024

Whatever Happened To?

-in 1983 my grandparents took me on a Cruise on the Fairstar

-there were a couple I saw a couple of times. A woman looking just like Diana but with a full beard. Her partner looking just like Charles

-I was getting in to an elevator with them. He was wearing a pink sleeveless top with multiple colored rods on the front of it. I was getting in the elevator with them but got out. She said Are you sure?

-the woman with the BEARD. After Jesus Christ saw how he looked in the Days of our Lives channel about me. Like her beard. He lost a lot of the goodness in him. He became harder and UP FRONT in personality


-the RODS on his shirt like Revelations says me the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an IRON ROD

-his sleeves were cut off. God removes Jesus's ROLES

-Diana SPENCER- like it was the Days of our Lives SOAP OPERA that did it to him

-the rods on his shirt. Like each a Light Sabre from Star Wars. I think it was at a stop in Australia in TOWNSVILLE. I bought the Marvel Comics Magazine adaption of Return of the Jedi. TOWNSVILLE like the planet TATOOINE in Star Wars. Like the city I live in TAURANGA

-the multiple rods on his shirt. And the Star Wars magazine Darth Vader was ANAKIN Skywalker. Like I have the magical ability to do ANY THING. Like I had the dream Rob Liefeld was lying on me in bed. And the dream said the Anti-Christ looked like him. In 2010 I was in the local Psych Ward and somehow a lot of ANTS got in my sheets

-the SLEEVLESS top- like God deserts Jesus twice. Taking away his roles. And taking the makers of the soap opera to Heaven. Maybe all of them to real glory for what the series achieves 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

True Life Stories

-a line given to me

-years ago I FACE booked DC Comics Facebook Page

-I made the comment I met Jenette Kahn and she didn't have anything to say to me / say Hello

-the next day I saw the comment was at the top of their Facebook page's comments. Which is impossible

-Jenette Kahn didn't have anything to say to me

-maybe meaning I get my wish. And never have any kind of wife, husband, or real partner. Or any real friend. And Jenette Kahn can't set me up with one. What I imagined could of been set up for that purpose

-FACE book as in FRIENDS or SPOUSE

-Facebook is means of communicating with people

-FACE book as in across the road from my home is Tauranga Boys College. In a lunch quad covering a big wall is a large picture of a man's FACE who looks like Walt Disney. Maybe the Watcher. And by that wall pyramid like large concrete steps / seating. Like getting the Facebook comment to the top of the Facebook Page. Like the Watcher is saying marriages and partnerships will come to nothing. And he is using the mural of his Face to say this way out of marriage by the Facebook I saw is right

Miracle Memorial

        -what might have set up three parallel Universes with altered miracles each. In 2000 I went on a trip to the US. One night in Washin...